Here are a few of the classic first grade essays on “When I Grow Up” from Micki’s class.
The Chef
When I growup I want to be a chef. Â Becos I silly like to cook. Â I will call my renschront “(name’s) food Bufet. Â Thare I will make a difrint iceiy’s thare. Â Thare will be difrint ice-cream with difrint toping’s and best of all hot fuge! It will be good so good that your tast buds will explod! with tayst!!!
The Zookeeper
When I grow up I want to be a soo ceper. Â I would work in the reptil house. Â I will take kar of the snack and frogs. Â I will also work with some other people.
The Army Soldier

When I grow up I want to be in the army becaes it looks cool. Â I think my friends are going to be in the army. Â I get to highs in a good spot, I like to shoot guns. Â I’ll be saving are city. Â I would bring a drink and some food my family but wen my family is at home and wen I am in the fit.
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