Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Volleyball

    This fall Grace tried out for volleyball and made the 7th grade team. Being an avid volleyball player, I was excited to see if she would enjoy the journey. After a rocky road of learning how to be coached and understanding her role on the team, the season would up being a good experience. The…

  • Respite

    My Girl, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. Grace is at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. Micki and I are in Tennessee at a golf resort. Neither of us golf. But we are relaxing. We had about 6 books we brought and bought about 5 or 6 more on the way down. Both of us have…

  • Overflow Conference

    Universal Orlando, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. About three weeks ago Grace and I went to Orlando Florida to the Overflow Conference. Overflow is a brand new idea for the Free Methodist Church to have their annual conferences all together in one place, rally, worship, and cast vision for the future of the church. Because…

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