Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Christmas 2009

    Traditions Originally uploaded by Jason Archer I’m putting the finishing touches on a “New Years Letter” while updating our Web site and putting together a picture book that encapsulates the year and I figured I’d do a quick update on the past two weeks. Why? It’s Christmas and they were two really good weeks. We…

  • Thanksgiving with a Soul Patch

    Wednesday Thanksgiving break was one of the better ones in Archer-dom.  Lots of what we remember usually have to do with setting a good tone.  We had been watching some Food Network shows on great new ideas for dishes.  After finding a few favorites, we got our supplies and enjoyed a really fun evening cooking…

  • The Graduate

    Grad Card Originally uploaded by Jason Archer She did it. And I’m so proud. Micki now has her Master’s Degree. She finished this weekend and walked toward glory on the stage. We are so excited. She has been working so hard for so long on her coursework, and it finally paid off. Her research thesis…

Got any book recommendations?