Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Grace Finishes
I just got around to producing a short piece of Grace at her second cross country meet. It was a perfect example to demonstrate how to use iMovie for my students Monday. They got a kick out of the video as well as the tool. I think this was in Sand Creek, but I can’t…
View From My Bed
View from my bed Originally uploaded by Jason Archer Yes, the rumors are true. If I look a bit different, it’s because i no longer have an appendix. It was three weeks today that Grace wasn’t feeling too well and stayed home from school. 10am: I was working at the dining room table and felt…
Cougar Crazies
Cougar Crazies Originally uploaded by Jason Archer We’re winding up a good weekend here in Archer-land. Friday night was snuggle night. We baked pizzas and watched some TiVo. Saturday morning I got to sleep in and have breakfast with Brian, Chad, Chuck, and Sam. Great time to connect with the fellas. The rest of the…
Got any book recommendations?