Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Me and the last two Archer Ladies
Me and the last two Archer Ladies, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. This August, my mom and her boyfriend Dean came to visit. We took them out for pizza at Klavons for some good Chicago style pie, enjoyed some great conversations and time together. Â | Â Flickr Photoset
Yeah God!, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. This summer, Grace took her talents to Spring Arbor to help lead the little kids in worship. She loves little kids. She loves singing. So this was a perfect fit for her. She was reluctant at first, but really enjoyed serving in such a natural way. Â | Â Flickr…
60 Sycamore
The House, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. This summer I worked in Rochester, NY, my hometown. I hadn’t been back to “the old neighborhood” in more than a decade. Maybe two. One afternoon I was able to get away and take a walk through the old hood to the home of my childhood. The neighborhood…
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